10 November 2010

Hong Kong Fun & Easy Day 3 Part 3/3

Now waiting for the 幻彩咏香江.

幻彩咏香江 starts.... quite nice la. But need to find the best location. That day, the location not good, so we went to watch again for the other day at a better places.

I dont know Malaysia got this kind of things or not. But Hong Kong do. They have the well prepared paper that you can cover on the toilet bowl sitting places so that the dirty things wont touch on your "pet pet". haha

This shop selling quite cheap cloth. but that time near to winter already. They sell all of the winter cloth. So, I just bought two comfortable underwear. haha


庙街夜市 and it is almost the same as the "chu cheong gai" in KL. One things you must do is to bargain with them. If they offer you HKD 100, you can bargain until HKD 20.00.

Cari makan again....

Both of these is nice too.


  1. i like 庙街!
    got 兴记煲仔饭~~~
    yummy yummy!!

  2. the ais 50 mean RM xx here??
    and.. why you buy underware also write geh >.<""
    oh no..

  3. haha.
    I just write what I have still recall lo. haha
    50 mean HKD 50.00

    aiyo... i did not go to eat the 兴记煲仔饭 ler. next time la.

  4. ok..just want to say
    此anonymous 非彼 anonymous...
    so you shouldn't reply both together ler...haha!

  5. oh like this ar. sorry sorry. if can, just write your name ya. thank you.

  6. you reply two different post can liao loo.. huhu..

  7. haha. ya lo. bo bian la. but some time i also confuse which one is A person, which one is B person. haha

  8. okok, i am person A!
